Firehouse Partners
This project would not be possible without generous partners
The following people, groups, and companies have donated money, services, and goods to make this project possible. We are so grateful for their support.
American Busines Interiors
A. Duda and Sons, Inc.
Mike Artelli
Diane & John Baggett
Sabina Baker
Bank of America
Jamie Bassett
Donna Bishop
Lisa & Steven Bierbrunner
Blinds of All Kinds
Brevard Homeless Coalition
Bristol-Hansen Charitable Foundation
Matthew Brothers
Russ & Joan Buchanan
Lucy Carr
Kathy Chamblin
City of Cocoa
Willard Coble
Community Foundation for Brevard, Inc.
Church at Viera
Defined Spaces
Department of Children and Families
Dillen Charitable Fund
Duda Ranches
James Dlugasch
Elevation Church
ERC Incorporated
First Presbyterian Church of Palm Bay
Florida Power & Light Company
Tiffany Fortenberry
Frida's Plants & Vintage
Georgianna Church
G&G Roofing
Goodson Paving
Rebecca Granger
Robyn Hattaway
Sandra Henry
Higher Purpose Restaurant Group
Shalarie Highsmith
Molly Hill
Hobbs Foundation
Holiday Builders
Holton Family Fund
HomeAid Orlando
Karin Jamison
Dawn Jean
Steve Johnson
Lynn Jones
Janet Jones-Owen
Carol & Bill Karp
Lorraine Koss
Christine Lance
Richard and Dorothy Lovisone
LSP Nursery
Cheryl & Fred Mahan
Margaret Heins Foundation
Margaret R. Binz Foundation
Matthew Development
Jessica & Mathew McKelvey
Nanda Menon
Ryan Mitchell
Stephanie Mosedale
Tom Murdoch
Christine Noll-Rhan & Matthew Rhan
Northrop Grumman
Shivani Patel
Marcia & Peter Phillips
Pamela Weiger & Carl Plaugher
Pizza Gallery & Grill
Progressive Cleaning
Mike & Mary Renfro
Jane Reuter
Rivertree Builders
Kathleen Roden
Jennifer Rogers
Marla & Cordell Rolle
Rolle IT
Roswell Marine
Karen & Eric Ruoff
RZK Architects
Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
Carl Sapp
Vincent Serianni
Barbara Simmons
Sky Peak Financial
Space Coast Association of Realtors
Guy & Delores Spearman
TD Foundation
The HERO Fund
Truist Foundation
Viera Builders
The Viera Company
Dana Vinci
W + J Construction
W.J. & Kathy Chamblin Family Foundation, Inc.
Altara Warren
Carol Watson
Anthony Wesson
Linda West-Decker
Myles Wilkinson
Jamara Wilson
Debbie & Thomas Zipperly